No, the big green monster isn’t some scientist-turned-radioactive super soldier who likes to hang around with the Avengers in his spare time. The big green monster is a lettuce leaf stuck to your teeth, or a lone piece of broccoli abandoned on a plate. More than the rampaging Hulk on steroids, these greens have terrified little children all over the world since time began. Ever since we were kids, we’ve always had an innate distaste for greens, and no matter how big and strong Popeye grew, we can never seem to stomach that can of spinach the same way he can.
Sadly, most people carry that love-hate relationship with veggies into adulthood, leading to a deficiency in the most important nutrients greens can give. But the fast-paced world we live in today has found a way to catch up: why not mash everything together in a super mix of greens? This is where superfoods—and superfads—come in.