Sunday, August 10, 2014

How To Make Matcha Green Tea

My journey is at an end—I have found the perfect matcha green tea powder at the supermarket.

For months I have been scouring the beverage aisles of major grocery stores, poring over each foreign label on the shelves of the Asian goods section, wondering if I will ever succeed in my seemingly futile quest. I have spent wasted resources trying out unsuccessful green tea powders, sacrificing my taste buds and disheartening myself with each new brew. Then, finally, when all hope seemed lost, the heavens parted and my redemption presented itself in a blinding light.

The Nittoh Matcha Green Tea Powder.

And yes, when I tasted the tea at home, my eyes welled up—the search is over.

How to Make Matcha Green Tea

I’ve always been an avid tea lover, and I drink a cup of tea every day to get me going (or simply to calm my nerves). There is just something delightful about sipping an aromatic cup of tea, but what I usually drink are tea bags dipped in boiling water.

As for the matcha green tea, I’ve only ever tried them in coffee shops and tea places, and I’ve always wondered if I could make them at home (because, let’s face it, spending every waking hour at Starbucks or Serenitea is going to land me a bankruptcy).

So I began my quest to find the perfect matcha green tea powder. I saw a lot of cafes selling them, but they are incredibly pricey. Some powders, on the other hand, already have sugar mixed in with them, so the taste comes out very unnatural (HINT: DO NOT buy the matcha green tea powder sold at Php 55.00 at Saizen/Daiso Japan. It is cheap for a reason—it tastes like crap and I had to throw mine away).

Finally, the Nittoh Matcha Green Tea Powder is everything I’ve always wanted in a matcha green tea cup. It can be bought at around Php 240.00 for a pack of 10 sachets at any Robinson’s Supermarket. Sure, it’s still a bit on the pricey side, but it’s definitely cheaper than drinking at expensive tea shops.

For my taste, here’s how I like to mix them up:

  1. Boil about half a mug of water.
  2. Mix two sachets of the Nittoh Matcha Green Tea Powder into your fave mug.
  3. If you like it iced, here’s when you add two ice cubes into the mix. You can wait for it to melt before you drink up though, just to make sure the water-to-powder ratio is enough. It’s okay to add another ice cube, but it depends if you like the tea strong or diluted.
  4. If you like to keep it hot, simply add more boiling water until you reach about ¾ of the mug. Any more and the mixture gets too diluted.
  5. You can opt to add about two teaspoons of milk in there, depending on how you like it.:)
  6. Sip and enjoy!


  1. Ang galing mo maghanap ng mga jpegs/gifs haha! :))

  2. I admire the valuable information about green tea you offer in your articles. I will bookmark your blog and I am quite sure that i will learn lots of new things here than anywhere else!
    Please Visit

    1. Thanks for your kind words! I'm glad I was able to help a bit. Here's another entry for more matcha goodness:

      What a great website you've got, too!


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